Why the Old Spitalfields Market Colour Walk made me feel like Me

old spitalfields market london colourwalk

There’s this ‘thing’ in the social media world where you’re supposed to find your tribe. But IRL (In real life) and in the online sphere I’ve never felt like I’ve belonged to a group, a niche or a tribe. I’m individual. Which has its good and bad moments. Some days I feel amazing, ruling the streets with my idiosyncratic style and other days I walk into a room and it feels as though everyone pities me and is thanking god they aren’t me.

So turning up to yesterday’s Colour Walk was a total revelation. I felt accepted, finally. I’ll explain why shortly, but first have a scroll through these outfits I came across at the event…a mere sample of the incredible artistry on display at the Old Spitalfields Market Colour Walk.

momtaz begum-hossain and sue kreizman
With legendary Colour Goddess Sue Kreitzman
The one-of-a-kind beauty Sophie Cochevelou
Neon super heroine
Fantastic energy from Akimbo Moonchild
east _london_fashion
Sally from Golden Yoga making Japanese ski wear look super stylish
male fashion_london
Diane Goldie’s incredible appliqué jackets were a fave choice of outfit
masked beauties_ spitalfields_colourwalk
The Masked Minxs



Now that’s what you call headgear! Florent Bidois

It’s nigh impossible to pick out a favourite, everyone had curated a look that signified something about them and that therein lies the beauty of fashion: wearing what makes YOU feel good.

In my mind I assumed I’d turn up and discover a clique of people who all looked amazing but were probably so tight as a group they’d be chatting away with in-jokes and me a newcomer would be there smiling but feeling very awkward. I could not have been more wrong.

The event, spearheaded by artist and fashion designers Sue Kreitzman, Sophie Cochevelou and Florent Bidois was a hive of activity when I arrived. And I felt immediately welcome. Everyone was chatting to eachother, welcoming new faces, telling everyone how amazing they looked and lots of cameras were flashing. Breaking into conversation was so easy. It wasn’t like all those horrific networking events where you find yourself in a room wondering who to make eye contact with and who to tag onto – this was a gathering of artists, creatives, lovers and appreciators of fashion and personal sense of style.

momtaz and florent

Every single person I spoke to had a genuine interest in me asking about every outfit detail, where things were from, commenting how well thought out the whole ensemble was, every detail was appreciated and it felt amazing. It was also a very different feeling to when random strangers in the street mention what I’m wearing, sometimes that’s nice other times it feels uncomfortable. People call me ‘colourful’ and ‘colour queen’ all the time most just think it’s costume, but not here.

silk series launch_sue_kreizman
Sue takes to the stage to introduce Spitalsfield’s Silk Series
sue kreizman jewellery
Close up of Sue’s jewellery

At the event Sue gave a speech where she reiterated that the event and colour walk was people being normal and being themselves that it’s  ‘just us’ and it was so poignant. I wear colour because colour fuels my energy and strength. On cold grey days (and we’ve had a lot in London lately) wearing colour is my fuel for living. To some I look like a clown or a novelty, or I’m dressing to young or too weird but at the Colour Walk everyone was ‘normal.’

It made me question all the other times I’ve tried and failed to fit into a tribe – I’m not a typical travel blogger, I’ve often felt rejected from the craft world, I don’t attract much of a South Asian following, I don’t fit into ‘alternative’ categories, I’m too old to fit in with Millenials, too young to use the hashtag #advancedstyle….but here in an East London market surrounded by likeminded rainbow hued souls I felt I’d found my place.

southbank centre colour queens
Spotted the lovely ladies who work at The Southbank Centre, London

So thank you to each and every single person who stopped to chat to me and made me feel so welcome. If I have to pick a tribe to align myself to it’s this one – Colour Lovers of London. I am with you.

The Colour Walks take place monthly in Old Spitalfield Market, East London.
To find out when they are get in touch with Florent.

More pics from the event below. Enjoy!

momtaz and love louie lou _spitalfields_colourwalk
With Love Louie Lou
artist at spitalfields market
Artist Ela Guru Art
plastic duck dress at colour walk
Serious duck dress envy

craft and travel and sophie cochevelou

Market stall holder at Old Spitalfields Market Chrity Tase

make up artist_london_colourwalk


spitalfields market colour walk_sues husband
Seriously amazing #advancedstye going on
egg top by sophie cochevelou
Saving up for Sophie’s egg top
my little pony necklace by sophie
Sophie’s new jewellery collection launched at market at colour walk

happy ladies at colourwalk

colourful ladies at colourwalk

lady in pink coat

masked lady at colourwalk.JPG

lady in red mask

back of diane goldie coat

customised jacket

sues stall

sue kreitzman collage


spitalfield exhibition and colour walk 2018
A peek inside Sue Kreitzman’s exhibition





Author: Craft and Travel

Hi, I'm Momtaz. Join me as I travel the world through art, craft, design and fashion. On my blog you'll find lots of colourful and creative inspiration to inspire your own vacations. I write about destination guides, local hot spots to check out, hotels with great design, openings of new art exhibitions, shopping ideas to help bring global style into your home and crafts I've discovered along the way - all while sharing my own vibrant sense of fashion and style.

7 thoughts on “Why the Old Spitalfields Market Colour Walk made me feel like Me”

  1. What a lovely article! And that’s exactly what I felt when I started meeting them a few years ago – I know have a shop in Brighton inspired by their joyful love of colour and of just being who you are! So if you’re ever down come and visit me at Barbary Lane in Kemptown (STrictly No Beige!) Lynne xxx http://www.barbarylane.co.uk

    1. Wow! That’s so cool you on he card and what a fabulous and looking shop. I saw the no beige policy!! I will defiantly pop down I am in Brighton every couple of months and have family there so I’ll come and see you too x

  2. Wow. Some truly fabulous photos on here. How lovely that you were so welcomed. You look like you fit right in there.

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